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This is a block where you can enter text. By dragging the text, you can apply various formats or connect a link. A title is a block where you can enter text that is larger than the default text block.
Add text
Text blocks are automatically added when you click on an empty space in SlashPage and when you press Enter on any block.
You can change it to another block by selecting the handle on the left of the text block and clicking Convert to .
Apply Style
When you select text by dragging, a toolbar appears. You can apply various styles such as Bold, Code, Text color, Background color, Link, and Alignment.
Style Preview
Shortcut key
Bold: Cmd(Ctrl) + B
Italic: Cmd(Ctrl) + I
Underline: Cmd(Ctrl) + U
Code: `(text input)`
Add title
Enter /title in the blank space , then select one of titles 1, 2, or 3 and press Enter . Or click + on the left side of the block and select one of Titles 1, 2, and 3 .
Title size preview
Shortcut key
At the beginning of the block, enter # for title 1 , ## for title 2 , and ### for title 3, then press the space bar.