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Create a new site

With SlashPage, you can create a website as simply as writing a document by typing / . You can add chats, blogs, and communities with just two clicks, and you can use functions such as analysis and subscription for free without linking to other services.
Create a new site
Click + Create site on the dashboard and sidebar and select New site to create a site.
Add elements with '/' (slash)
By typing / in an empty space , you can add various elements in blocks .
Detailed guide for each element
In addition to this, you can add various elements by just typing / .
Blocks can be moved above, below, to the left, or to the right of other elements by dragging and dropping them. You can also use the image slider to show multiple images or videos in one block.
Detailed guide on how to change the layout
Add button
Buttons can be linked to actions such as URLs, site subscriptions, other pages and channels within SlashPage, direct messages, phone calls, and emails. You can set various colors and alignments.
Detailed guide for each button type
In addition to this, you can add various elements by just typing / .
Make public sites appear in search results on Google, Bing, etc. You can increase the inflow of people (targets) interested in specific keywords. You can set the preview (main image, title, description) that appears in search results.
Detailed guide to sharing