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Member permissions and invitations

Members are users who have permissions on my site, unlike subscribers. The types of permissions you can set are: Admin, Edit, Write, and Read.
Member Permission Types
Higher permissions include all lower permissions.
Site owner
You can change the site name and favicon. You can transfer them through site transfer.
You can check the management menu of pages and channels and change settings. You can delete posts written by other people in the channel. You can invite and change members.
You can add, edit, and delete pages and channels.
Channel posts/comments can be written
You can leave posts, comments, and reactions on the channel.
Read only
You can check the page and channel posts.
Only the creator can edit channel posts, but users with management permissions can delete them.
Apply permissions by site, page, or channel
Member permissions can be set on a site, page, or channel basis. Click ... in the upper right corner of the site, page, or channel for which you want to set permissions, and then select Page (or Channel) Settings to set the permissions.
Invite members and set permissions
Click the share icon in the upper right corner and select the invitation menu.
Enter the email address of the member you want to invite, select permissions, and then click the Invite button.
You can copy the email addresses in an Excel sheet to invite multiple people at once, or you can enter only the domain of the email address, such as @slashpage.com, to invite only people using that domain.
To invite someone whose email address you don't know, activate Invite by Link, click Copy Link, and share the copied link. Members who join using the invitation link will join with read-only permission.
Modify member permissions
To edit site member permissions, click Member List in the upper left of the sidebar.
Click on the current permission on the right side of the member nickname and select the permission you want to change. The change will be reflected immediately.
If the invited member still appears as Pending Approval... , you can click Resend Invitation Email to resend the email.