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Feed channel

This channel displays the most recent posts at the top, and allows for posting short posts without titles to more easily elicit responses. Thread-based communication is possible in the comments for each post.
A thread is a conversation that continues on one topic in the comments of each chat.

Create a channel

Type /channel in the blank space and select Channel > Feed . Or click + on the left side of the block and select Feed .

Write a channel name and description

The channel name and description are stored in the preview information that you see when you share a link.

Create a new post

After entering text in the input field, press Cmd(Ctrl)+Enter or click the Send button. When you write a post, a new post notification will be sent to subscribers.
How to turn off notifications and send
Click the arrow icon next to the Send button to disable (gray out) the Send Notification option.

Send a reservation for the article

Click the arrow icon next to the Send button and select Schedule . Set the desired send time and click Schedule .

Leave a comment

You can leave emojis on each post by clicking on the reaction at the bottom of the post .

Comment on the thread

Clicking Comment opens a thread. To comment, type your text into the text field within the thread and press Cmd(Ctrl)+Enter or click the Submit button.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I write without logging in?

A. It depends on the writing permission of each channel. If you want to allow anyone to write without having to log in to SlashPage, set it to Anyone. If you want to allow only logged-in people to write, set it to Other options.

Q. How do I view private channels?

A. You must be registered as a member of the channel to view it. If you know the administrator, please ask the administrator for permission.

Q. The text (comment) input field is blocked.

A. This is a channel that only members with certain permissions can use.
'Only channel administrators can post.' : Only members with admin rights in the channel can post.
'Only members of the channel can write posts.' : Only members with permission to write channel posts/comments or higher can write posts in the channel.