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Import Notion

Import data from Notion into SlashPage. In addition to Notion, you can also import Linktree and Littly.
How to import
On the dashboard, click Create new site and select Import .
Select Notion in the pop-up window .
Log into Notion.
Check access request and click Select Pages to bring up the page list.
Select the pages you want to import from the list and click Allow access .
You can only import the top-level pages in your Notion workspace.
Among the loaded pages, select the page to be imported into SlashPage.
Enter the site name and click Import to start the import.
When the progress indicator disappears, the import is completed and you can edit your site.
Features not supported by SlashPage may be converted to another form or fail to be imported.
To import a Notion page to an existing site, click ∙∙∙ in the upper right corner of the edit screen and then click Import .
How to stop/cancel import
If the import takes a long time, you can stop it by clicking the Cancel button.