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Custom domain (Beta feature)

Custom domain takes you to your SlashPage site when you enter your own domain in the address bar.
Register my domain information in SlashPage
Click Site Settings in the left sidebar of the screen and select Add custom domain .
Enter the domain you want to connect in the input field and click Save .
Setting up CNAME in the DNS site configured for your domain
Various sites provide DNS, including AWS (Amazon Web Service), GoDaddy, Google Domains, and Gabia. This guide is based on AWS but the setting method is almost similar across the sites.
Click menus such as DNS Settings , Domain Settings , or Domain Management .
Look for values ​​like CNAME , CNAME record , or Canonical Name .
Enter the following information below:
Host or Name
Target or Points to or Value
AWS's DNS setting screen
Note when entering Host(Name)
If the domain you want to connect is, enter www, and if the domain you want to connect is, enter blog .
After a certain period of time, the setup will be completed, and you can search and verify the domain directly on sites such as G Suite toolbox or DNSChecker . (You can also check using the dig or nslookup command in the terminal.)
Checking on DNS Checker
DNS CNAME information can take anywhere from a few minutes to 48 hours to be spread around the world.
Checking whether DNS settings are complete in SlashPage
Waiting for SSL certificate issuance
A certificate is required to use the custom domain feature. Once DNS settings are complete, SlashPage automatically issues a certificate. It usually takes 20 seconds or more to issue, so please wait.
Certificate issuance screen
Custom domain connection completed
If the certificate issuance has been completed, now when you access www.example․com, you will be connected to your SlashPage site.

Because CNAME records cannot be set up in the root domain, it is still difficult to connect when you only enter without www.
How to use '' instead of ''?
There are two ways to do it.
1. Use ANAME or ALIAS records
Can be used when the DNS site supports ANAME or ALIAS record format.
A. Enter in the custom domain settings above .
B. On the DNS Settings page, select ANAME or ALIAS.
C. Enter the following information:
Host or Alias
Target or Points to or Value
@ Or leave blank
2. Use Redirect or Forwarding function of the DNS site
Since this function may vary depending on the site, we will only provide major settings.
A. On the DNS Settings page, look for menus like URL Redirection , Forwarding , Web Address Forwarding , etc.
B. Enter the following information:
Source or Redirect address
Destination or Target Address
C. If you set the redirect type to 301 Permenant Redirect , search engines will recognize them as the same site.