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Channel post template
Add a new post template
Set as default template
Create a new post using a template
Add a new post template
Set as default template
Create a new post using a template
Save templates so you can reuse titles or body content in your channel posts over and over again.
Add a new post template
Click the arrow next to the
New Post
button in your channel and select
Create Template
Available for Blog, Gallery, List (beta feature), and Kanban (beta feature) channels.
Write what you want and click
Save Template
. You can insert any block, including text, images, buttons, tables, etc.
Set as default template
Click the arrow next to the
New Post
button in the channel .
on the template you want to use as default and select
Use as default
If you don't select a template when writing a post in that channel, the template you set will always be applied by default.
Create a new post using a template
Click the arrow next to
the New Post
button in the channel , then click the template you want.
The selected template will be automatically applied to the writing screen.